2023-2024 Post Season Football Pool Rules

Welcome to the 2023-2024 Post Season Football Pool.

There are thirteen post season games - six in the wildcard week, four in the divisional week, two league championship games and the super bowl.  You must pick the winner for each game with the point spread given.  You get one point for each winning pick.  You must also specify whether the combined score will be over or under the point value given.  You get an additional point for each correct pick here as well.  Points are cumulative so a perfect score after the Super Bowl would be 26 points.

Depending on the number of participants, there will be one prize, two prizes (approximately 70% and 30%) or three prizes (approximately 65%, 25%, and 10%).  Note that you must submit picks for all games to be eligible for any prize.

It's easy to get started.  Select a screen name and a password you will use.  Go to the Sign-in screen and enter these values along with your contact information.  (If you participated in the regular season pool, you may use the same name and password.)  Then make arrangements for the entry fee.  It's just $10.00 for the entire post season, payable before the first games.

Updated 1/1/2024